Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Cloistered Church is Catastrophic for a Culture

A Cloistered Church is Catastrophic for a Culture

"The sin of respectable people reveals itself in flight from responsibility." Eberhard Bethge (commenting on his good friend Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

When the church remains cloistered our culture faces catastrophe. The church has become adept at cloistering itself and moving carefully from one comfortable Bible study to another, and from one service to another. We gather as fishermen who carefully discuss the various and sundry elements of the fishing business, but we never actually get the smell of fish on our hands. We remain confident and smug in the illusion of our safety, content to let culture rot and get her just reward as we smile securely in our ultimate salvation. We privately worry that we are now post modern and post Christian. Perhaps this means that we should retreat even more since maybe Jesus is coming even sooner than we expected?

Meanwhile, our culture, our history, our heritage, our future is hurling itself at a breakneck pace into the abyss of spiritual apathy, moral irrelevance, self-absorption and eternal destruction. The value of tolerance has been raised as the highest banner to fly in this land, but its meaning has been changed so drastically that it is no longer a value. Where tolerance once stood for a respectable sympathy for another’s view of a matter even though it may be wrong or different than my own, it now means that there is no right or wrong and that everyone’s opinion carries equal weight and that everything is right in a man’s own eyes.

The church’s response has been to sit back and watch culture self-destruct. We have bought into the lie, as have the majority of the people of our land that the separation of church and state is a Constitutional principle. In fact, it is not! But even if it was, the church has a mission that cannot be set aside. It is true that we are citizens of heaven, but we are also citizens of this land serving as ambassadors.

As ambassadors we are given the almost incomprehensible privilege of sharing the good news that God so loved the world that He sent Jesus Christ the righteous one to die for our sins, rising again, eternally triumphant over all His enemies, so that there is now no condemnation for those who believe.

The church collectively and its individual members specifically are called to be salt in a corrupt world and light in a dark world. Of course, this cannot happen until and unless the church decides to engage culture—though not embrace it. Jesus said that the very gates of hell would not prevail against His church, which is a clear picture of a contending and not cloistered church. We are also called to go into all the world and make disciples. One cannot carry this out in the continued cloistered confines of one meeting after another. The ‘making’ happens when we intentionally determine to engage our culture and the people who live in it. D. A. Carson rightly observes that "Christians learn to do good in the city where they live, knowing full well that the prosperity of their city is both for the city’s good and for their good."

There must be a biblical balance between faithful evangelism and the teaching and absorption of the Bible, as well as active concern in ministries of compassion and justice. We cannot minimize our obligations to fulfill the Great Commission, nor marginalize our obligation to fulfill the Great Commandment and the carrying out of the message of the gospel. It is not an either one or the other decision, it is and/ both decision.

The great men who have gone before us have set the examples of how to do keep the proper balance and to present the gospel, while at the same time engaging culture by helping the poor, setting up nonprofit institutions for various social ends, being involved in local school districts, voting, writing letters to editors, presenting biblical views in legislative discussions, running for office, and much more. Men such as George Whitefield, John Wesley, D. L. Moody, William Wilberforce, and Abraham Kuyper were all fine examples of how to keep the right biblical balance of feeding and nurturing the flock, along with taking the gospel to a lost and hurting world through a clear presentation of the spoken Word and active offerings of physical help.

The early church did not seek influence through politics but power through prayer. As a result through the power of prayer they began to have a biblical influence upon culture. They actively began to engage the culture in times of great distress, and as a result the people both heard and saw the gospel and responded. We should be actively involved in all biblical means to influence our culture, but the influence does not stand as a substitute for prayer, but is rather informed and strengthened and given direction by prayer.

Charles Spurgeon said, "Stones are not broken, except by an earnest use of the hammer; and the stone-breaker must go down on his knees. Use the hammer of diligence, and let the knee of prayer be exercised—and there is not a stony doctrine in Scripture, which is useful for you to understand, which will not fly into shivers under the exercise of prayer and faith….Prayer is the lever which forces open the iron chest of sacred mystery, that we get the treasure hidden within…."

Informed prayer through the diligent and consistent meditation upon the Word of God is necessary to know how to engage our culture and the individuals who live within it. We have no excuse to not have our minds sharpened by the Word of God. We have no excuse to not have our hearts made tender by the Word of God. We have no excuse to not speak to others in mercy and truth about temporal and eternal matters. In other words, we have no excuse for soft minds, hard hearts, and apathetic spirits.

Peter said, "Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame." Think of the irony of the one who once denied Christ making the statement above.

We are to start our days by sharpening our minds to think clearly and be ready with a reasoned defense of our faith and biblical position on cultures issues. We are to start each day by asking God to tenderize our hearts so that we are sensitive to the hurts of others even as we engage them with sound and biblical arguments for our reasoning. We are to start each day by humbling ourselves under God’s mighty hand knowing full well that except for the grace of God we would have gone the way of our own lost culture. And yes, we are reminded that not all will respond and that many will ridicule and revile and rebuke us. We not should not run from this, but embrace it as a badge of honor for so they did the same to our Lord.

Let us gather together regularly as we are called to do for worship and edification and nurturing and fellowship. But then let us leave the meeting places to engage our culture with mercy and truth, lifting up the name of Christ, and raising the banner of His glory. Let us together look forward to the days in eternity where we will share war stories together and not stories of cloistered comfort and playing it safe. Our focus is not on winning the argument, but on saving the soul and offering our culture hope. If we do not engage our culture with the hope of the gospel then who? If we do not do so now then when?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign- Blindness As Sight

Blindness as Sight
(John 9)

In the first chapter of John we see a theme that is carried throughout his entire testimony. “The next day, John saw Jesus coming toward him and he said, ‘Look, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.’” Look! Behold! He uses the term 15 times interwoven throughout his stories of the life of Jesus. It is as if he is addressing his listening audience to tell them to see the truth of the story. Look at this! Look at Jesus!

John 9 is miracle 6 and is near the end of Jesus’ life and ministry. It drips with irony, in both the physical and spiritual sense. Some of its elements make me laugh as I read the dialogue. Some of its elements are crushing as I see the truth that there are the blind who are willing to see, and those who could see who are willing to be blind.

In chapter 9, Jesus heals a man born blind and we literally see darkness illuminated by the Son of God who spoke the words in the beginning, “Let there be light.” Christ has come into a dark and broken and needy and blind world. It is Jesus who gives sight to the blind. He is the light of the world, and He is the life of the world.

Jesus uses ordinary clay and his own saliva as the necessary ingredients to heal literal eyes in order to create the opportunity for spiritual sight. After the man washes the healing balm off of his eyes in the pool of Siloam, Jesus is nowhere in sight. And, the religious leaders thinking that they have insight into the situation clearly miss seeing the point of the spiritual significance of what took place.

Jesus is the original ophthalmologist. He sees with piercing and perfect 20-20 vision and knows how to correct someone’s vision. Others passed by (vs.1) and pretended not to see, but John is clear that Jesus saw the one born with congenital blindness.

There is a blind man begging along the side of the road. The disciples (vs. 2) ask him who caused the blindness: ‘the beggar's sins or his parents'? They were merely stating the popular notion of the day that all suffering was caused by sin. Be careful to not judge someone as a great sinner because of great suffering. Jesus shattered the current paradigm by saying that this blindness was not a punishment but an opportunity to put God's work on display. Yes, Jesus did not deny the general connection between sin and suffering, but God’s Sovereignty and purposes supersede and govern all.

Jesus then spit on the ground, smeared the mud on the man's eyes. You have to see the allusion here to the creation account. God used clay to create the first man, and now Jesus the creator is using clay to recreate sight for the man born blind.

He then told him to go wash it off at the nearby Pool of Siloam (meaning ‘Sent’), the only permanent water source in the city at the time. It is interesting that Jesus told him to go to that particular pool. Christ is called the ‘one who is sent from God’. The pool had significance during the reign of King David. The blind man, of course, couldn't see Jesus. And it wasn't until he washed his eyes, did he return seeing.

In a sense this is a test of obedience for the blind man. Go and do what God says even when it does not make sense, even when it does not seem pragmatic, and even when others may mock you.

Then the confrontations began.

This is about blindness as sight. The truth that there are the blind who are willing to see, and those who could see who are willing to be blind.
-According to John MacArthur there are 5 key characteristics of willful unbelief
-set false standards
-always want more evidence but never have enough
-biased research on a purely subjective basis
-reject the facts

The neighbors were intrigued. "Isn't that the blind beggar?" they asked. Some thought it only resembled him. Others wanted to know what happened. Suspicion hovered over the audience. And they took the healed man to the religious authorities.

Imagine being the blind guy who received his sight. For the first time, he sees the faces of the people whose voices he knew so well. Did they look the way they sounded? Imagine the familiar footpath he would normally take to the Pool, only to return, not only feeling, but also seeing his way along. The vibrant colors of people's dress. The multiple textures of the sand, earth, and mortar. He finally saw the eyes of those who probably threw disgusting remarks toward him during his years of begging.

Along with all the wonder, he is brought before the religious folks, the Pharisees, on account of his newly found sight. The Pharisees begin to drill him with theological questions, apparently fearful that the now-seeing fellow might hold Jesus in higher authority. "What do you say about him?" they ask. Pulling from his own theological understanding, he says, "He is a prophet." The voices start to rise, the parents are called to testify, and threats are made. The parents practically disown their son because of the threats of the Pharisees. They back out of the scene and require their son to speak for himself. The story is told. The man was born blind. Now he sees. That's all that is said. That's all that happened.

But the Pharisees know something larger is at stake. In verse 24-30 this endless questioning continues, but it takes an interesting twist. The pretentiousness of the religious leaders and their spiritual blindness is transparently seen, and the openness of the blind man for truth and the increase of his spiritual sight is seen as well.

The seeing man makes a remark at the endless, repetition of questions. This remark (vss. 31-34) is a straightforward theological treatise about the origin and process of miracles: "We know that God does not listen to sinners. But if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, God listens to him. Never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing." We see a right response of worship. We see that the person of God makes it their business to glorify his Creator by solemn adoration of His name and sincere obedience to His will.

Those who have received mercy from God should magnify the mercies they have received. Not to heap honor upon self as if you were an extraordinary favorite of heaven, but that God may get the glory and by that draw attention to Himself so people may have a hope to see and gaze upon.

The Pharisees, exasperated by the theological lesson, throw the man out. Those who could physically see were spiritually blind. Instead of bending in humility they broke off the dialogue in pride. Proud men refuse to be obedient—no one will tell me what to do. Proud men refuse to be taught—who are you to think you can teach me? We should never think of self as too old, too wise, or too good to learn. How much wealth is enough? Just a little bit more. How much intimacy is enough? Just a little bit more. How much knowledge is enough? Just a little bit more.

Here's the next scene: Jesus approaches the downcast man. The man does not know what Jesus looks like. And being overwhelmed with so many voices that day, he may have forgotten the voice of his healer. "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" Jesus says. The man is eager to find out who he is so that he can believe. Then Jesus turns his phrase on a double-meaning of the word "see," a word that was probably a repeated prayer in the blind man's life. "You have now seen him," he says, "And he is speaking to you."

The man believed, and worshipped. This is an episode of the profound sensitivity of Jesus. He sought him out and restored the lonely one’s sight. He helped him see that, though he's been isolated that day from his social community, there is another community of a vaster importance. And it wouldn't be much later till that man, once blind but then seeing, would discover the communion of saints such as the world had never known. If you feel much like that man of this story, allow Christ to draw near to you. And find your satisfaction, security, and well being in worshipping him.

Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign- A Savior Who Does Not Tippy Toe

Walking Tall

God is never uncertain or unsure. The world He created, as well as the principles and laws that govern it are subject to His whispers and shouts. He never holds council with anyone before moving. He never seeks a majority or consensus before acting. He never floats a public opinion poll before deciding. He never reacts in surprise, but acts in surety. He never panics. He never faints. He never sweats. In the 5’th sign of the gospel of John 6:15-21 we see a Savior who does not tipp toe timidly but walks tall on water easily.

Self-denial of prestige (6:15)

In verse 15 we see the misplaced zeal of the crowd who wanted to force the hand of Jesus to make him king of the land, and not king of their soul. They wanted to him sit upon the throne of a hill, and not the throne of their heart. They wanted to use Christ to serve their own ends. "What are You going to do for me, Jesus? I want to come because this is where the action is, this is where the crowd is. I want to come because I might cash in on some miracles here, I want to come because I've got an earthly agenda and I need somebody to fix my world the way I want it." There's no desire for worship.

Notice the humility of Christ and His self-denial when He stood against worldly honor. Notice the singular mindedness or devotion of Jesus in going about the Father’s will. The devout man lives no longer to his own will, or the way and spirit of the world, but to the sole will of God, who considers God in everything, who serves God in everything, who makes all the parts of his common life part of doing everything in the Name of God for His glory.

Sacred place (6:15)

Notice the necessary and needful element of withdrawing to a quiet place. He needed time to be alone. He needed refreshment. He needed to spend time by himself, in order to spend time with His Father. It was the habit of Jesus to do this. How poorly we perform our own private devotions, always in a hurry; beginning them in haste, and hardly allowing time to refresh and worship. We often focus on properly saying prayers, instead of praying.

Jesus seemed to get away to the same spots. People apparently knew where to find Him when they needed Him. He had sacred spots of holy ground for uncommon communion with His Father. If possible pray in the same place; reserve that place for devotion, and not allow anything common in it. If possible never be there, but in times of devotion. This kind of consecration of it as a place holy unto God, would have an effect upon your mind, and dispose you to such disposition, as would very much assist your devotion. This would dispose you to be always in the spirit of worship, when you were there; and fill you with wise and holy thoughts.

Sovereignty of His person (vss 6:21)

The Sea of Galilee is surrounded by mountains. And the winds blow down canyons and they come into this area which is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the winds come racing in and they just swirl in that area. And it's common to anyone who's been there to see the Sea of Galilee with whitecaps. Not many lakes have white caps. They have winds that come off the ocean, winds that slide down from the mountains in Lebanon, winds that come from the desert to the east and these kinds of winds cause tremendous danger to the waters.

Here's this lake, 682 feet below sea level, winds are blasting into the place, the whitecaps are everywhere, the storm is increasing in intensity, they've been fighting the storm and according to Matthew it's now between three o'clock and six o'clock in the morning and it's in the dark and they're fighting all night to go three or four miles. And they don't know if they're going to survive and they're afraid. All of a sudden they look out and here's Jesus walking on the sea and they were frightened.

They didn't even know what to make of this. According to the parallel passage of Matthew chapter 14 Peter asks Jesus to invite him out of the boat into the water if it really is Jesus. The storm they were afraid of, but they were far more afraid of the One who obviously was walking on the water. But the key is in verse 20, "He said to them, 'It is I, do not be afraid.'"
Isn't this just like Him? Here are these worried, fearful, frightened disciples and who may well have drowned and Jesus had to intervene. He stilled the storm, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going. The storm was quieted. It stopped and instantaneously they went from wherever they were to the shore.

True disciples are marked out and they're sort of sorted and separated as Matthew 14:33 puts it, "Those who were in the boat worshiped Him." Any who claim to be Christians will worship the Lord. You will see it in how they sing the songs. It will be reflected in their prayer life. The importance they place on being here on the Lord's Day to worship. How important is it to them to spend time with the Lord every day, adoring and thanking and praising Him. Is Jesus Christ the love of their life? Is it obvious that they long for Him? Is there a sense of deep humility? Is there a sense of deep respect and awe over Jesus Christ? Are they marked by adoring wonder?
We have more in common with the disciples than you may think. There was nothing special or unusual about them. They were ordinary people who were simply going about their business. Just like that, when they least expected it a storm.

Here is the journey of our lives. We go about our business doing the same old thing, the same old way, getting the same old results, and are often shocked that it is so. We live out our lives in the delusion of safety and comfort thinking that this will isolate us from or at least minimize our exposure to pain, trial, tribulation, uncomfortable situations, and challenging circumstances. As we live and grow older we begin to catalogue trials and solutions and file them away. In other words, here’s the problem and here’s the solution that worked and here was the result and here’s how to handle it the next time. A familiar or similar trial like experience comes up and we go to our files and we apply the remedy and we wait for the thing to be resolved and then we move on.

What do you do when the familiar or similar trial comes up and the previous solution doesn’t work? Or worse yet, you encounter something brand new and have no previous solution to rely on?

What we do is spend an enormous amount of timing solving things ourselves, relying on our own abilities and talents and skills and experience, and we never really developed a history of steady dialogue with God over simple and complex things. And so, we are overwhelmed and frightened. Jesus shows up we don’t know how to respond because He and His ways are unfamiliar to us.

There will be moments of tension for all of your days as a believer. Jesus will for awhile encourage you and whisper to you to let go of the temporal and hold onto the eternal. Then, He might take you to a place you’ve never been. The solutions will be as varied and unique as the calming of a storm or the walking upon its waters. He is calling you out of the familiar, and the illusion of safety, and the delusion of the comfortable towards a realization of intimacy, power, trust, growth, and maturity.

The journey of this life will have some rough waters. But Jesus is watching even when it seems as if He is not near or His arrival delayed. When may get tossed about a bit, but it makes us better rowers and rescuers. We may swallow some salt water, but it makes us appreciate the simple ways of life. We may get hurt, but we have a comforter. We may get off course, but we have a captain of our souls to steer us aright again. The boat may seem battered at times, but He will get it safely to the other shore.

There is a point and a purpose. It is to draw attention to Christ by allowing the glory of His image to shine through our maturing process as we face the storms of life and row through them with Christ as our navigator and captain.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign- Road Kill Food or Road Side Diner Feast

I am continually convinced that the physical world gives volcanic explosions of examples of deep spiritual truths. It’s as if God kindly condescends to us to make sure that all possible ways for us to grasp truth is presented and covered. We were made for God, and not God for us. The emptiness and longing of your heart can only be satisfied by God-nothing else, and no one else will ever even come close. Anything else, and anyone else used as a substitute is idolatry.

Jesus uses the most basic and critical necessities of life to effectively illustrate eternal and everlasting truth. Jesus performs miracles involving thirst and hunger, the most basic of human needs to illustrate spiritual absolutes.

The feeding of the 5,000 was a miracle to satisfy the physical hunger of so many people. Most likely there were about 20,000 people there.

As magnanimous as the miracle is, it’s Jesus’ own commentary on His miracle that I want to look at. In John 6:26-29 the emphasis is the positive statement of verse 27, "Labor for the food which endures to eternal life which the Son of Man will give you." When the people seek Jesus out the next day after the miracle, He accuses them in verse 26 of not coming because they had seen signs but because He filled their bellies. They had no spiritual sensitivity that Jesus' miracle pointed beyond itself to the spiritual nourishment people needed and which Jesus came to give.

-Hudson Taylor wrote: “I saw Him, and I sought Him, and I had Him, and I wanted Him.”
-A.W. Tozer wrote that “the great people of the Bible and Christian history have had an insatiable hunger for God. He waits to be wanted. Too bad that with so many of us He waits so very long in vain.”
-David describes his own passion for God: “One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple” (Psalm 27:4).
-The psalmist in Psalm 42 writes, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.”

What do you want? What do you long for? What occupies the thoughts of your mind and the desires of your heart? Is it temporal things or eternal things? There are 2 elements involved in falling in love—your wanting and the other person’s wanting you back. God wants to be wanted.

Look at the commentary that Jesus offers and the dialogue that takes place. Jesus said in verse 6:27, "Don't labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life." The crowd completely misunderstands and misses it in verse 28, "'What must we do, to be doing the works of God?" In the miracle no one could buy the food. No one could earn the food. No one could provide the food. No one worked for the food. Jesus answers in verse 29 that all the works you can do for eternal bread that will endure and satisfy is no work at all: "Believe in him whom God has sent." Come to me, trust me, and feed on me. Draw life from me as you would draw precious water from the provisions of a well in a desert place. Satisfy yourself with his hope-filled fellowship. Lay aside pettiness for the pristine beauty of Christ. Set aside your personal agenda in order to actively and passionately pursue Jesus.

The meaning is similar to Matthew 6:19, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust consume and thieves break in and steal." Anything temporal that the heart can treasure is food that perishes. If the treasure is not Christ it will perish. It will not satisfy your hunger and thirst today, and it will be worthless at death and useless on the judgment day.

The people seeking Jesus were "laboring for food that perishes" and He commanded them not to do it. You can be a very religious person, but not be born again. What is missing is a spiritual feeding on Christ, and a childlike submission to his Word. Where you dine will be reflected in your attitude, your actions, your words, your calendar, your checkbook, your priorities, your passions, your demeanor, your possessions, etc. In other words, how you feast and what you feed upon will eventually be manifested.

David Jeremiah said, “Each of us have as much of God as we want….It should bother us to realize that we have pursued God exactly to the point that satisfied us, and then we stopped, made camp and relaxed.” Don’t even begin to think that we can get away with saying, “I want more of God, but I have not been able to go any further with Him.” There is always more of God, and there is always more within reach. He would not promise so many promises intimate fellowship if it were not possible, and desirable, and necessary for all of His children. God will honor whatever intensity you bring to the relationship. He will feed and provide and satisfy.

Sherwood Elliot Wirt wrote: “The problem with this whole hunger issue with Christians is that often we think spiritual hunger works the same way physical hunger works. When you are physically hungry, the longer you go without eating, the hungrier you get. When you finally do eat, fill yourself up, your hunger is satisfied. In the spiritual realm, it’s exactly the opposite of that. In the spiritual realm, the longer you go without eating, the more your appetite wanes. If you don’t eat, you can go for long periods of time and you aren’t even hungry.”

The opposite is true. Spiritually, the more you eat of God’s Word, the more you are filled with “thus saith the Lord,” the more you want, the more you crave, the more you desire, and your spiritual appetite intensifies. You won’t say like after a Thanksgiving meal, “Oh, I ate too much. I’m stuffed. Why did you let me eat that much? No! No! No! A thousand times no! You will want more!

From the pen of A.W. Tozer, “Why do some persons ‘find’ God in a way that others do not? Why does God manifest His presence to some and let multitudes of others struggle along in the half-light of imperfect Christian experience? Of course the will of God is the same for all. He has no favorites within His household. All He has ever done for any of His children He will do for all of Hs children. The differences lie not with God but with us. Pick at random a score of great saints whose lives and testimonies are widely known. Let them be Bible characters or well known Christians of post-Biblical times. You will be struck instantly with the fact that the saints were not alike. Sometimes the unlikenesses were so great as to be positively glaring. The differences are as wide as human life itself: differences of race, nationality, education, temperament, habit and personal qualities. Yet, they all walked, each in his day, upon a high road of spiritual living far above the common way. Their differences must have been incidental and in the eyes of God of no significance. In some vital quality they must have been alike. What was it? I venture to suggest that the one vital quality which they had in common was spiritual receptivity. Something in them was open to heaven, something which urged them Godward. Without attempting anything like a profound analysis I shall say simply that they had spiritual awareness and that they went on to cultivate it until it became the biggest thing in their lives. They differed from the average person in that when they felt the inward longing they did something about it….As David put it neatly, “When thou sadist, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.”

Labor by rising early for prayer and meditation, and holding Christ near to your heart all day. Jesus calls us to be aliens and exiles in the world. Not by taking us out of the world, but by changing how we view the world and do our work in it. Meditate on this command: "Do not labor for the food which perishes."

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign- A True Healing and Hinn Can’t Touch That

"These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me."

John 5

The Lame, Liars, and the Lord

Background- John 5:1-3

Most likely this pool of water was just north of the temple area. It was divided into two sections- men and women. It would have been surrounded on all four sides and divided in the middle. It was probably spring fed, which would account for the stirring or moving of the water. It was also thought to be reddish in color because of the mineral deposits in it. It is also believed to be on the route that the sheep destined for sacrifice at the Temple would have been led. The pool of water was probably referred to as ‘Sheep’ in the Greek and the Aramaic or Hebrew term was Bethesda, which means the ‘House of mercy’. You can understand why either term would seem appropriate. It was believed that such pools of water with springs had some sort of healing power. This was a hospital of sorts, and Jesus goes to the hospital—He doesn’t wait for the hospital to come to Him and then demand payment. And so, it is understandable why the blind (those who cannot see), the lame (those who walk through life haltingly), and the paralyzed (those who simply cannot move) are there. It is interesting how the physical mimics the spiritual.

The Lame (5:3-9

The man has been in this physical condition longer than most people of his time lived. For 38 years he had been coming to this pool, the same amount of time as the wilderness wanderings of the children of Israel in Deut 2:14. Notice the details of verse 6; the recognition of the fact that the man had been wandering to the water’s edge a long time. We also find the sensitivity of Jesus in seeing the man and seeking to engage the man’s will ("Do you WANT…?") and to awaken the invalid’s sense of hope with a question.
Here is a valuable little insight into human nature from the question of verse 6. Do not think that people with needs, no matter how acute or severe, automatically want help. A sense of need is never solely sufficient as the sole impetus in seeking help. Sometimes need coupled with frustration can quickly lead to futility as a settled way of life. In other words, some people simply do NOT really want the help. Need, in whatever form it is found, is at times the excuse for one to use to escape responsibility of life, or to draw attention which they may think they would otherwise miss. It is not automatic or axiomatic that the hurting want to be healed.
Here is quite another sometime sad observation into human nature from the response of verse 7. No one was there to help him. He might have been bereft of friends. And, no one who may have received a cure in this fashion then proceeded to turn around and help someone else. The right response from help should be thankfulness, and the right reaction to thankfulness should be help.
The pool of water may have had some limited potency, but Jesus as the living water had unlimited power. (John 4:13-14, 7:37-38) What does Jesus do to bring healing? He speaks! The focus is not on healing, or the gift of healing, but on the healer-Jesus.

The Liars (5:10-13)

Liars were the religious leaders who should have led the sheep in the right direction, but were instead leading them to the road of destruction. Notice the questions and statements going on in the dialogue here. There is absolutely no acknowledgment of the fact of the healing, but instead there is an accusation regarding the breaking of a tradition and law. The Sabbath meant an absence of activity and an abstinence from work.
The poor guy who is healed in caught in the crossfire. He is not prepared to argue with the theologians over religious rules and regulations, which were less about Scripture and more about a man-made system that they developed. He should have been jumping for joy, but instead he is jumpy because of an intimidating judgment (5:10). The man does what most people would do in this situation-he denies and blames.

Lord of the Sabbath (5:14-18)

Whether this man being an invalid for 38 years was due to sin is not really the issue here. As bad as it is to lie on mat most of your life with a physical deformity it is much worse to be spiritually deformed. God does not judge sickness, but He does judge sin. Jesus is more concerned over the man being crippled on the inside than the outside. The man will once again suffer something.
Jesus seeks the man out and reminds him of the importance of the physical healing, but the physical was meant to point to the eternal.
Notice the extent of the hatred that they had toward Jesus and the reason why (5:16). This was not a one time deal with Jesus. He apparently repeatedly did this type thing on the Sabbath. He hit them right in the gut of their pride and weakness. How could an unknown and untrained and unaccredited rebel be allowed to freely do what He was doing and to free people from the restrains of the law? Where would it end? What was next?
You must get this next point. Jesus’ statement in verse 17 and His actions clearly means that He is equating himself with God. They got it. And for that they wanted to kill Him. Jesus turned the tables on them and insisted that He was simply doing the very things that God did on the Sabbath. God’s creating the world may have stopped on the 7’TH day, but his creative activity did not stop. The works of divine providence continue on the Sabbath (rain, sun, births, death, the acting out of the laws of nature). He continues to act in an unabated fashion without exception. He does not need to rest because He is not weary. Jesus links His own labor as continuous and coordinate with those of God the Father. He identified with the One who made the Sabbath, and made the laws, and made the world, and who never rests, and who never grows tired or weary, and who is beyond the reach of the established laws and tradition.

They sensed and knew immediately what Jesus was saying. He made implicit in His argument that He was equal with God. And, you cannot be equal with God unless you are God. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and the great Physician. Our response must be worship and honor. It is not Jesus and healing. It is Jesus the healer. Nothing is out of His reach or purview. All authority is His. "These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign- "No Reputation, No Name, No Hope"

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign- Miracle 2

-A story about a land with no reputation
-……………...a leader with no name
-…………and a lad with no hope

"These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."

Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me."

Jesus has total authority over everything. There is nothing outside the authority of Jesus.

Everyone and everything are subordinate to Jesus.

We see it in the way He commands the forces of nature, which He designed and created, by turning water into wine.

We see it in the exercise of His authority in matters of life and death, both His own and other’s—and ultimately in the matter of eternal life.

John 4:45-54- the second sign that John writes about

Pleading Request (4:47)

-The leader with no name came a long way
-He was most likely a nobleman of sorts, but his connections with the King’s palace, the country’s government, and the county’s doctors could not help him
-Can you imagine being in such a desperate situation that you are willing to expose your reputation for a chance?
-I mean, this man most likely has access to the palace, and Christ was basically a peasant
-The reality of life is that the greatest of men must become beggars before God
-He is no different than most of us in his pleading. There is a ton of desperation, and a measure of some believe, but his prayer or request expresses a perceived limitation on Christ’s ability to answer it, and, therefore he sort of fleshes out the solution to Jesus.
-In other words, he asks Jesus to ‘come down’ and heal his dying son. We have a barrier of geography here. We have a barrier of physicality here. We have a barrier of time here. Here is what I want you to do and here is how you need to do it.
-We have a tendency to limit Jesus by our own perceptions of barriers
-We are encouraged to pray, but we should not prescribe to God exactly how to answer the prayer in some sort of either/ or fashion
-Lord- please heal, whether by word or touch, but even then your will be done
-The total authority of Jesus over life and death

Pointed Reply (4:48)

-At first glance Jesus reply appears to be cruel. What parent would not go to God when their child is in trouble and plead with Him for help?
-Yes, there is a gentle rebuke here to the leader with no name
-Christ will at times humble us with seeming frowns before He honors us with splendid favor
-Most likely Jesus’ abrupt retort is directed to others as well who happen to be around
-Where do I get that from?
-The pronouns (you) ‘you see’ and ‘you believe’ are plural.
-The abruptness and rebuke is also primarily for the benefit of the curious crowd gathered around
-There were other Galileans who were there with an insatiable desire for more spectacular works such as they had already seen at Jerusalem just recently
-Curiosity seekers who had an appetite for wanting to feast on the food of seeing a miracle rather than banquet on believing that Jesus was Messiah. Do you seek a miracle worker or do you seek the Messiah?
-You see a tension that exists that we deal with
-the affect of the spiritual power of the Word –versus-
-the attraction of the sensible power of miracles
-He first came preaching repentance. The miracles followed the Word.
-He came to transform the heart, and not titillate the eyes.
-The leader with no name’s response (vs 49) for the lad with no hope was imploring and respectful and urgent and desperate all at the same time
-It is a sign of good demeanor and of humility when we take a gentle rebuke and the pointing out of some faults well without responding in anger
-This is very, very important lesson to learn here. Oftentimes when we go to God in prayer for anything, but especially for something that is desperate to our hearts, God’s way of answering is to first work on us, then to work for us.
-In other words, in the midst of that situation He will start to work on our character, and our conduct, in order to make us more Christ-like.
-The total authority of Jesus over life and death

Powerful Response (4:50)

-The answer to prayer, the healing is not done the way the man asked
-The answer to prayer, the healing is not something that is visual to everyone
-It’s clear that Jesus is not interested in defending His reputation per se. He will honor His name in the way He chooses, whether we agree or not.
-The answer to prayer is accomplished through the Word
-The answer is without so much as breaking a sweat. It is done with the ease of a spoken Word, and without the trouble of a 15-20 mile hike
-The barriers and restrictions are our perceptions, but they are not reality
-We pray here, and God can answer anywhere. There is no geographical, or physical, or time, or state-of-life restrictions for God
-Here the healing beams of the Son of righteousness are dispensed from Cana to Capernaum some 20 miles away, but could have just as easily and quickly been dispensed from one end of heaven to another
-When He denies what we ask, it is because He will give us what is much more to our need
(we ask for ease, He fosters patience)

-Pray the problem
-Pray with persistence
-Pray with passion
-Pray without restriction
-Pray with realization
-Pray awaiting response

-In the land with no reputation, a leader with no name, prayed about a lad with no hope. The nobleman came with certain parameters and outcomes in mind. But Jesus was looking beyond the lad. He was working on transforming the leader’s own heart, and not just healing the lad, but saving the entire family.

-The total authority of Jesus over life and death, and ultimately over eternal life

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign- "We're All Out"

I am praying that God gives us eyes to see the glory of Jesus—his pristine beauty and awesome majesty and inexhaustible fullness. I am looking for the glory of Christ everywhere in this gospel.
In the gospel of John we have 7 signs shown to us before His crucifixion as evidence of His deity. In the gospel of John we have 7 "I Am" statements spoken for us as evidence of His deity. In the gospel of John we have 7 "last" sayings shared with us as evidence of His deity.

The next 7 weeks are entitled, "Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign". The first sign is found in John 2:1-10. These 7 signs are expressions of Messianic replacement and abundance.

After the story of the wedding of Cana in John 2:1–10, John says in verse 11, "This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him." This first sign captures the ‘glory’ statement of John 1:14 at the beginning of the gospel, and the ‘purpose’ statement of John 20:30-31 at the end of the gospel.

This is a living parable being acted out right before our very eyes. This is the first miracle and it is filled with such exquisitely beautiful details:
-The social aspect of being invited to a wedding. Jesus and His disciples (5) were invited. We should be people who are invited to places and events. We use the social in order to get to the sacred.
-The prayer- Mary had an interest in the needs of others. She interceded for them. She did not look for a man-made solution that the caterer may have come up with; instead, she went to the fountainhead of the one who could and would supply living waters that would never run out. She went to Jesus. She did not pray the solution to Jesus. She simply was willing to accept whatever Christ’s response might be.

Jesus’ Glory Revealed in This Story (Outline Structure from John Piper)
1. The Glory of an Obedient Son
Jesus’ words are intentionally chosen to reveal a radical allegiance to God’s will above all else.
Jesus knew it would be surprising when he did not say "Mother" but rather, "Woman." His response isn’t disrespectful, but it is abrupt. Jesus is doubly abrupt with his mother: He calls her "Woman," and he says, "This is not your place to be calling out my power." It does seem that his mother expected him to do something.
What makes this so significant is that Jesus goes right ahead and takes care of the problem by doing a miracle. That makes us ask why He spoke to her this way. The reason is that Jesus was absolutely bound to his Father’s will in heaven and to no one on earth. There could be no competing controls on his life

2. The Glory of an Ultimate Purifier
There is a reason Jesus chooses to use water jars that were appointed for "purification," not for drinking, when he performs his miracle and fills them with wine. And the reason is that he means to point to his own death as the ultimate purification for sins that would nullify and replace the Jewish purification rituals. Six was a number of incompletion. The old is giving way to the new.
Jesus says to his mother at the end of verse 4, "My hour has not yet come." Jesus’ hour was the hour of his death when the Lamb of God would take away the sin of the world. This would be the ultimate purification, as stated in 1 John 1:7, "the blood of Jesus his Son purifies us from all sin".
Even though Jesus rebuffed his mother’s request he goes ahead and does the miracle. It seems Jesus is saying, "No, the hour of my death is not here, but I will give you a sign of my death."
Jesus manifests his glory in this story through an acted out parable—of how his own death will be the final, decisive, ultimate purification for sins. And so you see the replacement of the old purification laws and rituals with the anticipation of the once-for-all sacrifice of the cross, and the connection with the upper room discourse-the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper and Jesus stating that the wine represented His blood.

3. The Glory of an All-Providing Bridegroom
The last thing John says about Jesus in this Gospel is that he is the bridegroom who has the bride. The mystery of the church is being revealed. Jesus is the groom and the church is the bride. Jesus does what the bridegroom at a wedding could not do. The groom was responsible for the wine, which means it was his shortcoming that the wedding ran out of wine. All earthly husbands fail to be all that we ought to be. But quietly, powerfully Jesus plays the role of the perfect, all-providing Bridegroom.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Puritan and Biblical Meditation for Today

British preacher John Blanchard wrote the following: "Surely we only have to be realistic and honest with ourselves to know how regularly we need to turn to the Bible. How often do we face problems, temptations and pressure? Every day! Then how often do we need instruction, guidance and greater encouragement? Every day! To catch all these felt needs up into an even greater issue, how often do we need to see God’s face, hear his voice, feel his touch, know his power? Every day! As the American evangelist D. L. Moody put it, "A man can no more take in a supply of grace for the future than he can eat enough for the next six months, or take sufficient air into his lungs at one time to sustain life for a week. We must draw upon God’s boundless store of grace from day to day as we need it."

In John 15 the abiding of the living Word through the written Word will bear fruit- the fruit of salvation, the fruit of sanctification, the fruit of the spirit like love and joy, the fruit of informed prayer, and the fruit of an experiential intimacy with God.

The key to this is biblical meditation.

Biblical meditation is not simply hearing.
Biblical meditation is not simply reading.
Biblical meditation is not studying.
Biblical meditation is not just memorizing.

Biblical meditation is "deep thinking on the truths and spiritual realities as revealed in Scripture for the purposes of understanding, application, and prayer [for God’s glory and our edification]." Dr. Donald Whitney

From the very beginning of Scripture until the end the focus is upon the living Word and the written Word. If you want a dynamic and an informed experiential faith you must understand that.

What was the tact used in the garden by the serpent? He distorted what God had actually said.

When Jesus was in the wilderness what was the tact used by the enemy? He indirectly and then directly used the Word of God in a distorted fashion to tempt Jesus to sin.

Biblical meditation is more than an accumulation of Bible facts and memorizing Scripture. The enemy knows Scripture. The enemy uses it in a distorted fashion against us.
At the end of the book of Revelation John clearly states that if anyone adds or subtracts from the prophecy of the book they will be judged.

There are around 20 instances of the use of the word ‘meditate’, and over 100 instances of the word ‘think’ that I counted.

Here are a few:
-Joshua 1:6-9. There is a connection between success, prosperity and meditation. This is prosperity of the soul in a holistic fashion, spiritual success in maturity, and some measure of success in human endeavor because you are living with God’s wisdom. True success is promised to those who meditate on God’s Word, who think deeply on Scripture, not just at one time each day, but at moments throughout the day and night. They meditate so much that Scripture saturates their conversation. The fruit of their meditation is action.
-Psalm 39:3. When we hear, read, study, and memorize the fire of God’s Word, the addition of meditation becomes like a bellows upon what we’ve taken in. As the fire blazes more brightly, it gives off both more light (insight and understanding) and heat (passion for obedient action).
-Thomas Watson said, "The reason we come away so cold from reading the word is, because we do not warm ourselves at the fire of meditation."

The right attitude

-2 Timothy 2:7
-This is the sweat equity of thinking. John Piper said, "The gift of illumination does not replace meditation. It comes through meditation. The promise of divine light is not made to all. It is made to those who think. (Don’t confuse thinking with intelligence).

-Meditation always involves two people—the Christian and the Holy Spirit. Meditating over a text is the invitation for the Holy Spirit to hold his divine light over the words of Scripture to show you what you cannot see without Him.

-I Timothy 4:7 told us to train ourselves to godliness. This is sweat equity of discipline. Paul said ‘just do it’ baby long before Nike came up with that slogan.

-R. C. Sproul said, "Here then, is the real problem of our negligence. We fail in our duty to study God’s Word not so much because it is difficult to understand, not so much because it is dull and boring, but because it is work. Our problem is not a lack of intelligence or a lack of passion. Our problem is that we are lazy."

-You have the sweat equity of commitment that is involved. You are not going to glean from this blessing if you are hit and miss. Maurice Roberts wrote the following, "Our age has been sadly deficient in what may be termed spiritual greatness. At the root of this is the modern disease of shallowness. We are too impatient to meditate on the faith we profess….It is not the busy skimming over religious books or the careless hastening through religious duties which makes for a strong Christian faith. Rather, it is unhurried meditation on gospel truths and the exposing of our minds to these truths that yields the fruit of sanctified character."

-Welsh pastor Geoffrey Thomas wrote, "Do not expect to master the Bible in a day, or a month, or a year. Rather expect often to be puzzled by its contents. It is not all equally clear. Great men of God often feel like absolute novices when they read the Word….So do not expect always to get an emotional charge or a feeling of quiet peace when you read the Bible. By the grace of God you may expect that to be a frequent experience, but often you will get no emotional response at all. Let the Word break over your heart and mind again and again as the years go by, and imperceptibly there will come great changes in your attitude and outlook and conduct. You will probably be the last to recognize these. Often you will feel very, very small, because increasingly the God of the Bible will become to you wonderfully great. So go on reading it until you can read no longer, and then you will not need the Bible any more, because when your eyes close for the last time in death, and never again read the Word of God in Scripture you will open them to the Word of God in the flesh, that same Jesus of the Bible whom you have known for so long, standing before you to take you for ever to His eternal home."

The right approach

-Matthew 22:37-40. The Word assists me to do this; to have a right view of God, others, and self in a holistic sense. I start with the eternal and move to the temporal. I start with God, and move to others, and then self.
This puts me in the right frame of mind in biblical meditation and prayer. In other words, I am better prepared to pray about temporal things after I have gone through the filter of the eternal. I gain a better perspective on God, His attributes, His character, His principles, His promises, and His priorities.

The right application (how and what)

-How do I do this? I start each day with my Bible, and my journal. I begin the day by reading a Psalm or Proverb. I begin by focusing on something about God. I think about it. I reflect upon it. I recall anything that happened recently where I would have observed that about God. I let that attribute saturate my mind and wash over my heart. I allow it to inform me, nurture me, purify me, cleanse me, strengthen me, heal me, and so forth. I worship Him for that attribute. I thank and praise Him for where I saw that characteristic of God demonstrated. I write down my thoughts, or words, or phrases, observations, or confirmations, etc. I then allow and sometime concurrently allow that to reveal to me my own deficiencies and sins. And, also share from my heart those things that are a burden to me. I search out promises to keep and principles to obey. But, I do not do this generally speaking until I have allowed God’s Word to penetrate me wholly. And finally, I intercede for others. I also read through another book of the Bible-start to finish.

-What I am doing is establishing a general pattern of the discipline of biblical meditation in my life so that I am already being prepared and informed for those particular times where specific and more urgent things are required to be addressed. The more I practice biblical meditation, the more my focus is eternal and less temporal, the more prepared I am for life’s decisions and circumstances, etc. I want to be active and not reactive.

-The effect upon me is abiding love, overflowing joy, peace beyond understanding, precious intimacy with God, sweet fellowship with you all, and a right sense about the lostness of men.

-The Bible does not address every issue, but the more I am in the Word and the Word gets into me the more I have an understanding of the heart and mind of God, which informs my prayer and my decision making. God calls us through the Scriptures to develop the practice of dwelling on Him in our thoughts. Occasional thoughts are not meditation.

-Will the practice of biblical meditation be worth the sweat equity of thinking, the sweat equity of discipline, and the sweat equity of commitment that is involved?

-"It is a help to knowledge, thereby your knowledge is raised. Thereby your memory is strengthened. Thereby your hearts are warmed. Thereby you will be freed from sinful thoughts. Thereby your hearts will be tuned to every duty. Thereby you will grow in grace. Thereby you will fill up all the chinks and crevices of your lives, and know how to spend your spare time, and improve that for God. Thereby you will draw good out of evil. And thereby you will converse with God, have communion with God, and enjoy God. And I pray, is not here profit enough to sweeten the voyage of your thoughts in meditation?" William Bridges

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Being sensible that I am unable to do any thing without God’s help, I do humbly entreat him, by his grace, to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ’s sake. Jonathan Edwards.

Remember to read over these Resolutions once a week.

1. Resolved, That I will do whatsoever I think to be most to the glory of God, and my own good, profit, and pleasure, in the whole of my duration; without any consideration of the time, whether now, or never so many myriads of ages hence. Resolved, to do whatever I think to be my duty, and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general. Resolved, so to do, whatever difficulties I meet with, how many soever, and how great soever.
2. Resolved, To be continually endeavouring to find out some new contrivance and invention to promote the forementioned things.
3. Resolved, If ever I shall fall and grow dull, so as to neglect to keep any part of these Resolutions, to repent of all I can remember, when I come to myself again.
4. Resolved, Never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God, nor be, nor suffer it, if I can possibly avoid it.
5. Resolved, Never to lose one moment of time, but to improve it in the most profitable way I possibly can.
6. Resolved, To live with all my might, while I do live.
7. Resolved, Never to do any thing, which I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.
8. Resolved, To act, in all respects, both speaking and doing, as if nobody had been so vile as I, and as if I had committed the same sins, or had the same infirmities or failings, as others; and that I will let the knowledge of their failings promote nothing but shame in myself, and prove only an occasion of my confessing my own sins and misery to God. Vid. July 30.
9. Resolved, To think much, on all occasions, of my dying, and of the common circumstances which attend death.
10. Resolved, when I feel pain, to think of the pains of martyrdom, and of hell.
11. Resolved, When I think of any theorem in divinity to be solved, immediately to do what I can towards solving it, if circumstances do not hinder. xxi
12. Resolved, If I take delight in it as a gratification of pride, or vanity, or on any such account, immediately to throw it by.
13. Resolved, To be endeavouring to find out fit objects of liberality and charity.
14. Resolved, Never to do any thing out of revenge.
15. Resolved, Never to suffer the least motions of anger towards irrational beings.
16. Resolved, Never to speak evil of any one, so that it shall tend to his dishonour, more or less, upon no account except for some real good.
17. Resolved, That I will live so, as I shall wish I had done when I come to die.
18. Resolved, To live so, at all times, as I think is best in my most devout frames, and when I have the clearest notions of the things of the gospel, and another world.
19. Resolved, Never to do any thing, which I should be afraid to do, if I expected it would not be above an hour before I should hear the last trump.
20. Resolved, To maintain the strictest temperance in eating and drinking.
21. Resolved, Never to do any thing, which if I should see in another, I should count a just occasion to despise him for, or to think any way the more meanly of him.
22. Resolved, To endeavour to obtain for myself as much happiness in the other world as I possibly can, with all the power, might, vigour, and vehemence, yea violence, I am capable of, or can bring myself to exert, in any way that can be thought of.
23. Resolved, Frequently to take some deliberate action, which seems most unlikely to be done, for the glory of God, and trace it back to the original intention, designs, and ends of it; and if I find it not to be for God’s glory, to repute it as a breach of the fourth Resolution.
24. Resolved, Whenever I do any conspicuously evil action, to trace it back, till I come to the original cause; and then, both carefully endeavour to do so no more, and to fight and pray with all my might against the original of it.
25. Resolved, To examine carefully and constantly, what that one thing in me is, which causes me in the least to doubt of the love of God; and so direct all my forces against it.
26. Resolved, To cast away such things as I find do abate my assurance.
27. Resolved, Never wilfully to omit any thing, except the omission be for the glory of God; and frequently to examine my omissions.
28. Resolved, To study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly, and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive, myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.
29. Resolved, Never to count that a prayer, nor to let that pass as a prayer, nor that as a petition of a prayer, which is so made, that I cannot hope that God will answer it; nor that as a confession which I cannot hope God will accept.
30. Resolved, To strive every week to be brought higher in religion, and to a higher exercise of grace, than I was the week before.
31. Resolved, Never to say any thing at all against any body, but when it is perfectly agreeable to the highest degree of christian honour, and of love to mankind, agreeable to the lowest humility, and sense of my own faults and failings, and agreeable to the golden rule; often, when I have said any thing against any one, to bring it to, and try it strictly by, the test of this Resolution.
32. Resolved, To be strictly and firmly faithful to my trust, that that, in Prov. xx. 6. ‘A faithful man, who can find?’ may not be partly fulfilled in me.
33. Resolved, To do always what I can towards making, maintaining, and preserving peace, when it can be done without an overbalancing detriment in other respects. Dec. 26, 1722.
34. Resolved, In narrations, never to speak any thing but the pure and simple verity.
35. Resolved, Whenever I so much question whether I have done my duty, as that my quiet and calm is thereby disturbed, to set it down, and also how the question was resolved. Dec. 18, 1722.
36. Resolved, Never to speak evil of any, except I have some particular good call to it. Dec. 19, 1722.
37. Resolved, To inquire every night, as I am going to bed, wherein I have been negligent,—what sin I have committed,—and wherein I have denied myself;—also, at the end of every week, month, and year. Dec. 22 and 26, 1722.
38. Resolved, Never to utter any thing that is sportive, or matter of laughter, on a Lord’s day. Sabbath evening, Dec. 23, 1722.
39. Resolved, Never to do any thing, of which I so much question the lawfulness, as that I intend, at the same time, to consider and examine afterwards, whether it be lawful or not; unless I as much question the lawfulness of the omission.
40. Resolved, To inquire every night before I go to bed, whether I have acted in the best way I possibly could, with respect to eating and drinking. Jan. 7, 1723.
41. Resolved, to ask myself, at the end of every day, week, month, and year, wherein I could possibly, in any respect, have done better. Jan. 11, 1723.
42. Resolved, Frequently to renew the dedication of myself to God, which was made at my baptism, which I solemnly renewed when I was received into the communion of the church, and which I have solemnly re-made this 12th day of January, 1723.
43. Resolved, Never, henceforward, till I die, to act as if I were any way my own, but entirely and altogether God’s; agreeably to what is to be found in Saturday, Jan. 12th. Jan. 12, 1723.
44. Resolved, That no other end but religion shall have any influence at all on any of my actions; and that no action shall be, in the least circumstance, any otherwise than the religious end will carry it. Jan. 12, 1723.
45. Resolved, Never to allow any pleasure or grief, joy or sorrow, nor any affection at all, nor any degree of affection, nor any circumstance relating to it, but what helps religion. Jan. 12 and 13, 1723.
46. Resolved, Never to allow the least measure of any fretting or uneasiness at my father or mother. Resolved, to suffer no effects of it, so much as in the least alteration of speech, or motion of my eye; and to be especially careful of it with respect to any of our family.
47. Resolved, To endeavour, to my utmost, to deny whatever is not most agreeable to a good and universally sweet and benevolent, quiet, peaceable, contented and easy, compassionate and generous, humble and meek, submissive and obliging, diligent and industrious, charitable and even, patient, moderate, forgiving, and sincere, temper; and to do, at all times, what such a temper would xxii lead me to; and to examine strictly, at the end of every week, whether I have so done. Sabbath morning, May 5, 1723.
48. Resolved, Constantly, with the utmost niceness and diligence, and the strictest scrutiny, to be looking into the state of my soul, that I may know whether I have truly an interest in Christ or not; that when I come to die, I may not have any negligence respecting this to repent of. May 26, 1723.
49. Resolved, That this never shall be, if I can help it.
50. Resolved, That I will act so, as I think I shall judge would have been best, and most prudent, when I come into the future world. July 5, 1723.
51. Resolved, That I will act so, in every respect, as I think I shall wish I had done, if I should at last be damned. July 8, 1723.
52. I frequently hear persons in old age say how they would live, if they were to live their lives over again: Resolved, That I will live just so as I can think I shall wish I had done, supposing I live to old age. July 8, 1723.
53. Resolved, To improve every opportunity, when I am in the best and happiest frame of mind, to cast and venture my soul on the Lord Jesus Christ, to trust and confide in him, and consecrate myself wholly to him; that from this I may have assurance of my safety, knowing that I confide in my Redeemer. July 8, 1723.
54. Resolved, Whenever I hear anything spoken in commendation of any person, if I think it would be praiseworthy in me, that I will endeavour to imitate it. July 8, 1723.
55. Resolved, To endeavour, to my utmost, so to act, as I can think I should do, if I had already seen the happiness of heaven and hell torments. July 8, 1723.
56. Resolved, Never to give over, nor in the least to slacken, my fight with my corruptions, however unsuccessful I may be.
57. Resolved, When I fear misfortunes and adversity, to examine whether I have done my duty, and resolve to do it and let the event be just as Providence orders it. I will, as far as I can, be concerned about nothing but my duty and my sin. June 9, and July 13, 1723.
58. Resolved, Not only to refrain from an air of dislike, fretfulness, and anger in conversation, but to exhibit an air of love, cheerfulness, and benignity. May 27, and July 13, 1723.
59. Resolved, When I am most conscious of provocations to ill nature and anger, that I will strive most to feel and act good-naturedly; yea, at such times, to manifest good nature, though I think that in other respects it would be disadvantageous, and so as would be imprudent at other times. May 12, July 11, and July 13.
60. Resolved, Whenever my feelings begin to appear in the least out of order, when I am conscious of the least uneasiness within, or the least irregularity without, I will then subject myself to the strictest examination. July 4 and 13, 1723.
61. Resolved, That I will not give way to that listlessness which I find unbends and relaxes my mind from being fully and fixedly set on religion, whatever excuse I may have for it—that what my listlessness inclines me to do, is best to be done, &c. May 21, and July 13, 1723.
62. Resolved, Never to do any thing but my duty, and then, according to Eph. vi. 6-8. to do it willingly and cheerfully, as unto the Lord, and not to man: knowing that whatever good thing any man doth, the same shall be receive of the Lord. June 25, and July 13, 1723.
63. On the supposition, that there never was to be but one individual in the world, at any one time, who was properly a complete Christian, in all respects of a right stamp, having Christianity always shining in its true lustre, and appearing excellent and lovely, from whatever part and under whatever character viewed: Resolved, To act just as I would do, if I strove with all my might to be that one, who should live in my time. Jan. 14, and July 13, 1723.
64. Resolved, When I find those "groanings which cannot be uttered," of which the apostle speaks, and those "breathings of soul for the longing it hath," of which the psalmist speaks, Psalm cxix. 20. that I will promote them to the utmost of my power; and that I will not be weary of earnestly endeavouring to vent my desires, nor of the repetitions of such earnestness. July 23, and Aug. 10, 1723.
65. Resolved, Very much to exercise myself in this, all my life long, viz. with the greatest openness of which I am capable, to declare my ways to God, and lay open my soul to him, all my sins, temptations, difficulties, sorrows, fears, hopes, desires, and every thing, and every circumstance, according to Dr. Manton’s Sermon on the 119th Psalm,. July 26, and Aug. 10, 1723.
66. Resolved, That I will endeavour always to keep a benign aspect, and air of acting and speaking, in all places, and in all companies, except it should so happen that duty requires otherwise.
67. Resolved, After afflictions, to inquire, what I am the better for them; what good I have got by them; and, what I might have got by them.
68. Resolved, To confess frankly to myself, all that which I find in myself, either infirmity or sin; and, if it be what concerns religion, also to confess the whole case to God, and implore needed help. July 23, and August 10, 1723.
69. Resolved, Always to do that, which I shall wish I had done when I see others do it. Aug. 11, 1723.
70. Let there be something of benevolence in all that I speak. Aug. 17, 1723.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Birds, Black Presidents, and Babies

Birds, Black Presidents, and Babies


When King David contemplated how many were God’s “wondrous deeds,” he said, “I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told” (Psalm 40:5). That’s how I have been thinking about God’s display of His sovereignty these last few weeks. God is patient and slow to anger. The crash of Flight 1549 illustrates God’s right to judge, and the landing represents God’s mercy. In Matthew 10:29 we find that God governs the fall of every bird, and I would say the crash of flight 1549 was designed by God. It is both a display of His sovereignty and His mercy. It is a call back to a shift from an anthropocentric view of life to a theocentric view. Read Acts 4:23-31.


As a nation we have just elected Barack Obama, the first African-American President of the United States. As much as I reject President Obama’s stance on many moral issues, I am thankful that an African-American can be President of United States. This is God’s doing. “He removes kings and sets up kings” (Daniel 2:21).

How do we be a pro-life Christian under a pro-choice president? I Peter 2:13-17Peter did not live in a Christian nation. He knew the depravity of man and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. And yet he wrote, “Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him.” And, "Honor all men; love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king."

Here is John Piper’s answer to the question, "How do pro-life Christians honor a pro-choice president?"

1. Humbling Ourselves We will honor you, Mr. President, by humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God (1 Peter 5:6) acknowledging that we are ourselves sinners in need of mercy and forgiveness from God.

2. Acknowledging God's Image We will honor you by acknowledging that you are created in the image of God, an utterly unique, human being created in the image and likeness of the living God with untold potential.

3. Acknowledging God's Institution We will honor you by acknowledging that government is God's institution. You are in power by God's appointment and we honor that. It grieves us that you will not protect the unborn, the most innocent, weak, and helpless group of Americans. But we honor your God appointed role.

4. Honoring Laws Not Conflicting with Christ's Lordship We will honor you by submitting to law wherever they do not conflict with our higher allegiance to Christ the King of kings and Lord of lords. 1 Peter 2:13 says that we are to submit not for your sake but for the Lord's sake.

5. Not Withdrawing into Isolation We will honor you by not withdrawing and living in isolation from American culture. We will honor you by trying to do as much good as we possibly can, so that we will not be thought inconsistent in asking from you what we are not willing to do. See I Peter 2:15.

6. Opposing with Non-Violence We will honor you by opposing your position as long as we can with non-violence instead of violence, with reasoning instead of rocks, with rational passion instead of screaming, with honorable speech instead of obscenities, and with forthright clarity of language instead of dodging the tough realities and tough words.

7. Expecting Straightforward Answers And we will honor you by expecting from you straightforward answers to straightforward questions. You have immense power as President of the United States. To wield it against the protection of the unborn without giving a public accounting in view of moral and scientific reality would be dishonorable. We will honor you by expecting better.

8. Trusting the Sovereign, Loving Purpose of God Finally we will honor you by trusting that the purpose of our sovereign and loving God to defend the fatherless and contend for the defenseless and to exalt the meek will triumph through your presidency. And to that end we will pray for you as Christ our King commands us.


What does the Scriptures say about this?

Psalm 139:13: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.”

Jeremiah 1:5:“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you….”

Job 31:13–15: “Did not he who made me in the womb make him? And did not one fashion us in the womb?”The key person at work in the fashioning of the fetus inside the womb is God. The status of Job’s mother or the servant’s mother is irrelevant because mothers are not the main nurturers and fashioners during the time of gestation—God is. Mothers and fathers can contribute an egg and Sperm, but only God creates a person. It is an arbitrary assault upon the prerogatives of God the Creator to assume that we can destroy this person at anytime within the womb based upon our definition of personhood.

James 4:2 offers and interesting perspective, “You desire and do not have; so you kill.” What desire? -- Any self-autonomous freedoms that we want that does not restrict our plans for future happiness. But then comes the pregnancy and we cannot have. And so we use abortion as a birth-control measure to preserve our own freedoms and desires. Christians, we are called to speak the truth in love and mercy.

Look at Ephesians 5:8b-11. God calls us to be the conscience of the culture. Many believers only have a passive avoidance ethic, "Take no part in the fruitless works of darkness.” That's half your duty. But the next phrase states: "Rather even expose them!" Don't just avoid the works of darkness, but expose them.

We are guilty of silence when it comes to justice. We are guilty of speaking the truth, but not in love and mercy. We are guilty of condemning without offering hope and prayer and solution. We have a biblical obligation to speak the truth in love. We have a responsibility to rescue the innocent. We must put feet to our faith and intercede for the helpless. We must compassionately reach out to the perishing. I am embarrassed when I read what some of us write on the internet.

The belligerent and disrespectful words directed toward the president and those who have had abortions and who are pro-choice make me cringe at times. We are intercessors and rescuers. We do so with logical arguments, a Scriptural foundation, patient interaction, loving and merciful engagement, faith with feet, and prayer.There are many who have had abortions who bought into a lie and did not realize exactly what they were doing, and are now suffering the horrific consequence of emotional, spiritual, psychological, and possible present or future physical trauma. Someone must tell them that there is forgiveness and healing in Christ Jesus.God has been merciful to us.

God does not owe America anything. We owe him everything. I pray that the President of the United States, passengers of flight 1549, pro-choice citizens, and everyone who does not know Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior would turn to Him.God is sovereign and merciful. He stands today as Savior, He will stand one day as Judge.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dark Night of the Soul- part 6 of 6

The last reason for this Holy Spirit caused desertion is that we may be a benefit to the lives of other believers through our own experience. We are brought into such an experience of desertion and depression so that we may reach out and comfort another in their time of great need. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, ‘Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ."

Nathaniel Whiting writes on this matter in his book, Old Jacob’s Altar Newly Repaired:
"I am much persuaded that if an experienced Christian would make a humble and faithful narrative of his own condition to a deserted saint, and tell him, ‘Such has been my case: time was when the Lord his face from me, when the loving kindnesses of God were shut up in displeasure against me, when I had lost all communion with God, all sense of pardoning and accepting grace with God, when I could not pour forth my soul in prayer unto God, and when I had no incomes by way of comfort from God…but by the goodness of the Lord, the mist is broke up, the clouds are scattered, the face of God appears again, and I find joy and peace and comfort in my soul: yea, the beams of God’s favour shine brighter, and the streams of consolation run on more fresh and freely than ever they did…’ that these experiments as to desertion and as to consolation…would marvelously revive a drooping saint, and make his stooping heart glad."

The one who by experience has gone through the trials of life and the sense of desertion by God has much more to offer another than the scholar who has read of such things through many books. Christopher Love sums it up best, "…those that have been tempted, those whose consciences have been troubled, those are the fittest men to succour those that are in that condition; God chooses broken vessels to pour into, that they may diffuse it unto others."

Dark Night of the Soul- part 5 of 6

The fourth main reason for the Holy Spirit’s leading into a spiritual desertion is in relation to sin in general. Each of us is tempted at times to treat particular sins lightly, or to compromise with certain sins that we believe are private and of have no effect upon others. Yet, to God all sin is an offense and must be dealt with directly and succinctly. All sin, whether it is a matter of a secret habit or not, will eventually find its way outward to negatively affect our relationships.

Christopher Love gives his perspective on the matter when he writes in his treatise, The Dejected Soul’s Cure, "God may withdraw his love and favour from the soul out of an act of wisdom, that thereby he may let his people see and consider that there is more evil really in sin than ever there did appear seeming good in the commission of sin…and…that thereby he might make his people to be more afraid of sinning against him, lest the comforts be again eclipsed; for I must reason thus, before I commit any sin, that if I do this I break the righteous law of God, and if I do break his law God will break my heart and break my peace; and shall I make no care of committing a sin against God, seeing by the committing thereof I must lie under the sense of Gods’ wrath."

The fifth reason given is similar to the previous, and it relates to the issue of gross sins. These sins are described as gross, willful, and intentional. These are sins that violate the clear mandates of God’s word, and lead to the most severe sense of God’s desertion. They are sins that most grieve and quench the Holy Spirit. These gross sins were thought to grow out of a slow process of contemplation and disposition, whereby God afforded the believer many opportunities to flee from such temptations through a variety of warnings, but the believer heeded not to those warnings. The desertion in this case is most severe, and puts the believer through the refiner’s fire to purge them unto repentance.

The next reason given for such God caused desertions is to draw us and keep us near to Him. Thomas Brooks expounds as follows: "By God’s withdrawing from his people, he prevents his people’s withdrawing from him; and so by an affliction he prevents a sin. For God to withdraw from me is but my affliction, but for me to withdraw from God, that is my sin, Heb. 10:38-39; and therefore it were better for me that God should withdraw a thousand times from me, than that I should once withdraw from God. God therefore forsakes us, that we may not forsake our God."

The result of such a desertion is to allow us to realize how excellent the intimacy we had with God was, and how much we long to have it again. It affords us the opportunity to bring to remembrance that special relationship, and to look forward to embrace it again. It brings to light how everything else pales in comparison to this intimacy, and reduces everything else to a secondary place. Every little complaint previously held and expressed becomes foolishness, and we desire God more than anything or anyone.

Dark Night of the Soul- part 4 of 6

The third reason for a Holy Spirit caused desertion is to develop faith, humility, assurance, prayer, and the fear of God within us. God does not sprinkle us with the fruit of the Spirit or the character of Christ, but chooses to blossom the seed of these graces in the midst of life’s circumstances. Will we trust God and the promise of His word, ‘I will never leave you, nor forsake you," even when we do not sense His presence? Faith is left barren and naked before the world, in that, it has nothing to hang onto except for God. As John Flavel urges, learn to "exercise the faith of adherence, when you have lost the faith of evidence."

In this desertion, the grace of humility also takes root. We soon discover that we are not that pillar of strength that we once thought, but realize we are weak, and that our gifts and abilities are from Him and for Him. Humility is the necessary foundational element of salvation and sanctification. It is the secret source of our strength. It is the upside-down grace that enables the beatitudes to be lived out, the great commandments to be experienced, and the great commission to be pursued.

As concerning the grace of assurance, Joseph Symonds writes:
"God gives much proof and evidence in the truth of grace which he hath wrought in them, when he makes them see they had hearts that could love him, even when it was doubtful to them whether he loved them. When the truth of grace is evidenced clearly, it brings much comfort, and what greater evidence of an upright heart, than to follow God when he seems to fly away; and to love him when he seems to abhor and hate them; to weep upon him in love when he seems armed with the weapons of death; and to pour out the soul to him, when he seems to be pouring down fire and brimstone upon them."

We are urged to patiently continue to seek God’s favor and presence at every turn, remembering with great encouragement the testimony we have with Him from the past. Perhaps one of the most obvious graces to be developed is that of prayer. In the midst of desertion the believer is often thrust upon his knees with his heart and head bowed praying more earnestly for the presence of God to return (2 Corinthians 12:8-9, Psalm 88:1). The believer who is truly in love with God and desires communion with Him will realize He is gone, and pray most fervently for His return pouring out their heart unto Him until their beloved returns.

The last grace to be developed is that of a reverential fear of God. It is a fear that is tempered with love and not horror. This fear is meant to breed a healthy and holy view of God, one of respect, admiration, and appreciation as should be found in any relation between a parent and child, as well as, between God and His creation.

Symonds writes:
"God will not be carelessly dealt with, though he allow us confidence and holy boldness in approach to him and converse with him, yet he expects a due sense of his majesty and greatness: ‘let us have grace, whereby we may serve God with reverence and godly fear, for our God is a consuming fire’ Heb.12:28,29. Though he be a father, yet he is a terrible, a holy and an Almighty God…The fear of God is one of the main pillars of his throne, and so far as he is not our fear he is not our God: therefore he hath ever showed himself in his power and greatness unto men…And in particular persons he so works by intermixtures of frowns and favours, majesty and mercy, that they may learn to walk as those churches did, ‘In the fear of the Lord, and
the comfort of the Holy Ghost’ Acts 9:31"

Friday, January 16, 2009

Dark Night of the Soul- part 3 of 6

The first and best place to start is that such desertions occur out of the sovereignty of God. He is infinitely sovereign and ‘His ways are not our ways’ and ‘who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him’? The ultimate end God’s workings are so high above us that we will never be able to comprehend the reasoning behind God’s actions. According to His own counsel He has purposed at times to withdraw His felt presence. Our focus should not be so much on the ‘why’, but the ‘who’- as in who is God and who am I in the midst of this time of life.

Perhaps the best summary of this desertion and God’s sovereignty is from Robert Asty in his book, Rejoicing in the Lord Jesus in all Cases and Conditions:

“The Lord is pleased to act as a Sovereign in the sealing and assuring and comforting of his people. Sometimes he will come in upon a believer at his first conversion, and will fill him with joy and gladness that shall abide upon his soul many years; and sometimes the believer shall wait upon God from ordinance to ordinance, and follow him many years in the dark, and not have a discovery of his love. Sometimes the Lord will give a soul no sight of its interest, nor evidence of its relation, until it come to die; and some believers have walked with the evidence of God’s love in their hearts almost all their days, and when they have come to die, they have died in the dark. Sense of interest is under a sovereign dispensation, both as to the persons to whom it is given out, and as to time when, and as to the way and manner how.”

The second reason why the experience of desertion visits us is to “show us the source of all our comforts, and our dependence upon him for them.” We are not to get caught up in the blessing at the expense of the Giver of the blessing. Acts of obedience and godliness are right, but they should not be done to elicit an automatic response of blessing for the sake of blessing. God’s grace is free and it is given at His discretion alone. God’s occasional withdrawal is to remind us that as wonderful as prayer, and worship, and obedience are, our ultimate peace, comfort, assurance, and satisfaction must come from God alone and not from the things done in relationship to God. Any encouragement that comes from elsewhere is not an encouragement in God himself. God, as our tender Father, will not have us to find comfort and satisfaction in the good graces more than in Him. When this happens, He may allow a certain sense of darkness to come over us so that we find ultimate comfort in Him, and not in the experiences that occur about Him.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dark Night of the Soul- part 2 of 6

It is apparent from the writings of the Puritans, and gleaning from the Scriptures that spiritual desertion is real. From our perspective, it stands in contradistinction of the popular gospel preached today, which promises ease of living and avoidance of pain. The Puritans were not afraid to publicly write and pronounce that it was quite possible and even probable that the child of God, walking holy and upright before God, may at some point in his life experience a sense of desertion.

The question we would ask here is, why’? It is the question that Jesus asked on the cross, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” It is the question we most frequently ask in the midst of life. Why would God invite us to call Him, Father, and then at times in our relationship allow us to feel this sense of desertion?

The Puritans believed that some desertions were the result of the direct action of God. However, they were careful to point out that while God may be the chief cause of the condition, He was not cause of those associated features, such as fear and doubt. Often, we must admit that we do not ultimately know the causes of God’s withdrawal. The reasons are many and varied. However, as William Bridge said in answer to the question of why, “In general, it is for their good. For their good they have peace and comfort, and for their good they lack peace and comfort.” The Puritans placed the reasons for the desertion in seven general categories, which we will review in parts 3 - 6.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dark Night of the Soul- part 1 of 6

The Dark Night of the Soul

The ‘dark night of the soul’ was a common phrase in Puritan thought describing a sense of spiritual desertion experienced by the believer in relationship to God. This sense was not abandonment by God, but rather a lack of the sense of His presence in love, grace, mercy, fellowship, and power. This lack was not necessarily attributable to the believer being in a backslidden condition.

Thomas Goodwin wrote, “That one who truly fears God, and is obedient to him, may be in a condition of darkness and have no light; and he may walk many years in that condition.”

Numerous Puritan pastors wrote on this subject, referencing such scriptures as Job 13, 16, 19, 31; Psalm 77, and Psalm 88. A description of this condition comes from the pen of Christopher Love. In Love’s book, Grace, the Truth and Growth and Different Degrees Thereof, he writes:

“A child of light may walk in darkness for a time, and though he have the Holy Ghost working grace and increasing grace in his heart, yet he may want the oil of gladness, though he have received a precious anointing of grace.”

A lack of the sense of God’s presence is the most prominent form of spiritual desertion, and is best described as an extreme isolation and desolated state. John Wells graphically illustrates this condition:

So it is with a gracious soul: wife is nothing, children nothing, estate nothing,
friends nothing, all nothing when Christ is gone. What have I more, says a poor believer? Christ is gone…all is gone, faith gone, aye, and heaven gone too in his thoughts, and what are all his enjoyments then but dross and dogs-meat, but trash and lumber?”

The second form of desertion is a weakness in the exercise of spiritual graces. It does not begin with a willful intent to cast aside spiritual graces and abilities, but rather finds itself in such a state of discouragement and despair that ultimately the soul refuses to participate in its duties. In Jeremiah 20:7-9 we find that though Jeremiah was commissioned to preach, he nonetheless refused to do so. Richard Sibbes has described the condition in such a manner:

They find not that former assistance in holy duties…they find that their hearts are shut up, and they cannot pray as formerly when they had the Spirit of God more fully; …This is first done when we hear the Word of God not with that delight and profit as we were wont. When they find how they come near to God in holy communion, and yet feel not that sweet taste and relish in the ordinance of God as they were wont to do, they conclude, certainly God hath hid his face.”

The third element is rather peculiar in that it is described as refusing comfort on the midst of pain and discouragement. So overwhelmed is this person that they question the very genuineness of God’s past and present graces, and therefore doubt the very comfort that God brings in the midst of their current depression. In Psalm 77:2, we see this refusal of comfort when Asaph writes, “My soul refused to be comforted.” Thomas Goodwin in commenting on this refusal writes:

“Graces in us shine but with a borrowed light, as the stars do, with a light borrowed from the sun; so, and unless God will shine secretly, and give light to thy graces and irradiate them, thy graces will not appear to comfort thee, nor be at all a witness of God’s favour to assure thee. For our spirit, that is, our graces, never witness alone; but if God’s Spirit joineth not in testimony therewith, it is silent: ‘The Spirit of God witnesseth with our spirits,’ Rom.8:16. Now therefore, when God hath withdrawn his testimony, then the testimony of our hearts and of our graces hath no force in it.”

The last description of spiritual desertion is a lack of assurance and a certain overwhelming fear of the future. The soul has no assurance of its salvation and doubts of its entrance into heaven or whether such a place exists (Psalm 77:7-9; 88:5, 6, 11, 12). Fear fills the mind with such intensity that there is severe doubt regarding mercy or what God intends to do with the person. On this element, William Bridge writes:

“Oh, says one, but I have not only cursed the day of my birth as Jeremiah, and
wished I had never been born; but I am weary of life, and have sought after mine
own death: and was there any godly, gracious man that was thus discouraged and
cast down? Yes! What think you of Job?... Oh, what a mighty deep of discouragements may the saints and people of God fall into, and yet be godly and gracious

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Distinguishing Marks of a Disciple-sermon excerpt

-A somewhat sobering thought is that each of us is the best Christian somebody knows.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer stated, "Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ."

Non-discipleship Christianity dominates much of the thinking of the contemporary church. In addition to sucking the strength from the church, Christianity without discipleship causes the church to assimilate itself into the culture. And sadly, whenever the difference between the church’s and culture’s definition of morality ceases to exist, the church loses its power and authority.

-Luke 9:23-25 "The Distinguishing Marks of a Disciple"

1. The Urge to Follow Jesus
-If you do not feel an urge to follow and become like Jesus then God is not at work in you. When you hear His words, "follow me," and the urge to obey rises up within you, then you can be assured that God is at work in you and that God is in you.

2. The Call to Life
-When God calls us, He invites us to die. And ironically, we’ll never be more alive.
-The cost to the kingdom of God for those who intentionally chose to be a non-discipleship Christian is incalculable and inexcusable.

3. Anyone Can and Should
-You can certainly choose someone or something else to follow. But if that’s your decision, the promise of finding yourself with meaning and purpose doesn’t apply.
-Anyone means everyone. Following Jesus is what a disciple does.

4. Self-Denial is Essential (9:23)
-C. S. Lewis gave tremendous insight into self-denial, "self-denial in and of itself isn’t a virtue. In fact, denying life’s pleasures just to say we did would be the apex of arrogance.
-Self-denial is about saying no to self in order to say yes to God.
-I decide that I no longer will follow my vision, my dreams, my heart—and then periodically check behind me to make sure Jesus is blessing what I’ve chosen.

5. Take Up Your Mission
-It always comes back to the cross.
-How many of you live with this perpetual question, "Lord, what do you want me to do; what’s my mission."
-When we wait at the entrance to the path of obedience for full instructions before we start walking, we can never find our mission. That knowledge is only found in route.

6. The Torment of the Daily
-When you reject non-discipleship Christianity and make a commitment to follow Jesus it will be made in the face of "come hell or high water" I will follow. You will have to live it out daily in the middle of temptation, weakness, illness, opposition, and the appearance of failure.

7. Gaining Your Soul
-When we insist on directing our own lives, we never enter into the joy and fulfillment of God’s dream for us. You will be restless, unsettled, bored, wandering, drifting, unfulfilled, and so forth.
-Every disciple dreams of living a life with great meaning and fulfillment. That does not come to people who drift about as immature converts. It only belongs to those who choose the life of transformational discipleship.

Becoming like Him includes 6 issues of transformation

Transformed mind- believe what Jesus believed
Transformed character- live the way Jesus lived
Transformed relationships- love as Jesus loved
Transformed habits- train as Jesus trained
Transformed service- minister as Jesus ministered
Transformed influence- lead the way Jesus led

The distinguishing marks of a disciple are to be found in Scripture and as followers of Christ we must be about imitating Christ. I read the Scriptures and I see Christ. I live out my life and see other believers who are imitating those aspects of Christ that I just read about. And so in a sense I imitate them who are imitating Christ. And, most likely someone is fleshing out who Christ is by how they see me.

Discipleship Christianity is not an option. We must imitate Christ.